Visiting address
The Netherlands Scientific Climate Council (WKR)
Bezuidenhoutseweg 20
2594 AV The Hague
Postal address
The Netherlands Scientific Climate Council (WKR)
P.O. Box 20014
2500 EA The Hague
How to get there?
You can reach the WKR by public transport or by car.
By public transport
WKR is situated at the Bezuidenhoutseweg 20, on walking distance (about 600 m) from The Hague Central Station. Take the exit 'Anna van Burenplein' in the direction of Bezuidenhoutseweg.
The department is located across from the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Plan your trip at
By car
From Amsterdam/ Leiden (A44/N44): Follow the direction 'Den Haag Centrum'. At the traffic lights turn left in the direction of Voorburg/ Leidschendam. Then take the first road to the right (Bezuidenhoutseweg).
From Utrecht (A12)/ Amsterdam (A4): Follow the direction 'Voorburg/ Den Haag' (intersection 'Prins Clausplein'. Take exit 2 'Den Haag Centrum'. Go straight at the next two traffic lights and turn right at the third traffic light (Bezuidenhoutseweg).
You can park your car at the nearest parking: Q-Park -CS - New Babylon
Route to WKR
The Netherlands Scientific Climate Council

Bezuidenhoutseweg 20, 2594 AV Den Haag