Summary of Advisory Report on the National Climate Plan 2025-2035

In accordance with the decree establishing the Council, it has been asked by the government to advice on the Climate Plan for 2025- 2035. This Climate Plan will be published by the government in 2024 as mandated by the Dutch Climate Act.

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The government has asked the Council the following question:

What critical decisions will the Netherlands have to make in the transition towards climate neutrality in Europe by 2050? What strategic dilemmas are involved in those decisions, considering related challenges such as climate adaptation and restoration of biodiversity? What are the key considerations of the various policy pathways (technically, economically, socially)? And what are the opportunities and risks of the transition to climate neutrality?

In this advisory report, the Council addresses these questions where possible. The Council does so from an interdisciplinary scientific perspective, considering societal developments and other challenges related to well being in a broad sense. As the Council was still being set up and time for this advisory report was limited, the Council was not able to provide recommendations across the full breadth and depth of climate policy. In the future, the Council will publish more separate reports on specific topics included in this report.